Just as in the physical sciences, the term abstraction in art also refers to an antithetical definition, which starts from the deconstruction of what is evident, the object in front of our eyes, to arrive at a single entity-concept.
The artist reduces the visible world to a series of signs or presences and consciously chooses to deny the representation of reality to exalt their own feelings through shapes, lines and colours, relying solely on their intentionality.
The Dictionary of the Physical Sciences describes the word abstraction as "the process of constructing or defining new entities from classes of objects [...].". Its etymology comes from the Latin abstrahere, literally "to remove, to separate, to deviate".
Gianni DessìHortus, 1986Oil and mixed media on canvas / Olio e tecnica mista su tela / Öl und Mischtechnik auf Leinwand101 5/8 x 111 x 1 3/8 in
258 x 282 x 3.4 cm -
Minjung KimIn orbita, 2005Mixed media on rice paper / Tecnica mista su carta di riso / Gemischte Medien auf Reispapier59 x 82 5/8 in
150 x 210 cm -
Giovanni Frangi, Baci da Belforte, 2004
Giovanni Frangi, Eclisse a Santa Giulia, 2004
Franco Guerzoni, Scavi superficiali, 1986
Gianni Dessì, Hortus, 1986
Franco Guerzoni, Restauri Provvisori, 1992
Marco Tirelli, Gotico, 1985
Achille Perilli, Omaggio a Nerone, 1966
Luigi Mainolfi, Terraoro, 1996
Marco Tirelli, Senza titolo (Dittico), 1994
Marco Tirelli, Senza titolo, 2004
Marco Tirelli, Senza titolo, 2004
Minjung Kim, Bambù, 2005
Minjung Kim, In orbita, 2005
Minjung Kim, Pieno di vuoto, 2006
(Arcangelo Esposito) Arcangelo, Mille luci, 1991
(Arcangelo Esposito) Arcangelo, Notte lunga di stelle marine, 1991
(Arcangelo Esposito) Arcangelo, Sotto le pietre di Altilia, ancora voci voci voci, 2003
(Arcangelo Esposito) Arcangelo, Ultimo giorno dell'anno sannita, 2001