The collection includes 23 oil paintings, 2 watercolour pastels and 4 drawings produced between 1920 and 1962. They represent the full evolution of the artist’s style.
The collection begins with a first set of artworks from his training, in youth, in the early 1920s. It continues to more mature paintings from the 1930s and40s, where the change in his artistic language becomes more evident, up to productions from the last years of his life.From the beginning of his practice, Donghi developed his own figurative language, drawing on the themes and subjects of everyday life: landscapes, small in size and rigorously devoid of human figures, mainly representing views of Rome, the city where Donghi was born and spent his whole life. There are also real-life depictions of towns and the countryside that the artist painted during short trips around the capital in the Aniene Valley, lower Lazio, Umbria and Tuscany.
Observing these landscapes, there is a clear radical change in style between those produced initially, with a predominant naturalistic accent (Basilica di Massenzio, La fontana dei Cavalli Marini, Paesaggio Romano, Veduta di Roma - Convento di San Bonaventura al Palatino and Veduta di Roma - Chiesa di Santa Anastasia) and subsequent paintings which, starting from the 1940s, display a more precise technique with meticulous attention to detail. The representation of vegetation is analytical to the point of being scientific, each individual leaf on trees and bushes rendered with great care (Valle Violata, Villa fuori le mura, Autostrada del Sole, Ritorno dal lavoro).
The artworks of Donghi were acquired between 1974 and 2002 with targeted transactions, to complete the collection with representative examples of all the phases of the artist’s work.
Antonio DonghiL'ammaestratrice di cani, 1946Oil on canvas / Olio su tela / Öl auf Leinwand36 1/4 x 28 in
92 x 71 cm -
Antonio Donghi, Basilica di Massenzio, c.1920
Antonio Donghi, La Fontana dei Cavalli Marini, 1923
Antonio Donghi, Paesaggio romano (un angolo del Palatino)
Antonio Donghi, Veduta di Roma, Chiesa di S. Anastasia al Palatino, 1925
Antonio Donghi, Ritratto di ragazza
Antonio Donghi, Fiori, 1935
Antonio Donghi, Fruttiera su un tavolo, 1935
Antonio Donghi, Il Minatore, 1922
Antonio Donghi, Il Giocoliere, 1936
Antonio Donghi, Caccia Alle Allodole, 1942
Antonio Donghi, Ragazzo, 1942
Antonio Donghi, Ritratto di Madre e Figlia (Lucia Praz), 1942
Antonio Donghi, Valle violata, 1942
Antonio Donghi, Ritratto di donna, 1944
Antonio Donghi, Castello (Arsoli), 1946
Antonio Donghi, Paesaggio (Veduta di Città di Castello), 1946
Antonio Donghi, Villa fuori le mura, 1947
Antonio Donghi, Donna Che Fuma, 1950
Antonio Donghi, L'ammaestratrice di cani, 1946
Antonio Donghi, Paesaggio con Tetti, c.1950
Antonio Donghi, Casa Tra Gli Alberi (Studio per 'Villa al Faito'), c.1955
Antonio Donghi, Autostrada del Sole, 1960
Antonio Donghi, Paesaggio, 1940
Antonio Donghi, Paesaggio (Montecarlo di Lucca), 1953
Antonio Donghi, Ritorno dal lavoro (ritorno dalla campagna), 1962
Antonio Donghi, Asinello (Studio per "Gita in Carrozzina"), c.1955
Antonio Donghi, Cagnolino (Studio per 'Ritorno dal lavoro'), c.1950-60
Antonio Donghi, Studio per “La visita", c.1954
Antonio Donghi, Veduta di Roma (convento di S. Bonaventura al Palatino)