• Biography

    Gerold Tagwerker (Feldkirch (AT), 1965)

    Gerold Tagwerker was born in Feldkirch in 1965. He studied painting at the Mozarteum Academy in Salzburg from 1983 to 1989. In the following years, however, the artist also worked with photography and installations.

    Since graduating, Tagerker’s art has been shown in many exhibitions. His art has been to many places, both in solo exhibitions and group exhibitions. His works have been presented at the Museum of Concrete Art in Ingolstadt, the artfinder Gallery in Hamburg, the Llucia Homs Gallery in Barcelona, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon and the WIEN MUSEUM in Vienna.

    The artist has also received several awards over the years. In 2001, he received the working grant from the City of Vienna and the Chicago Scholarship for Fine Arts from the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. In 2012, he also received the New York Scholarship for Fine Art Photography from the same ministry.

    Gerold Tagwerker lives and works in Vienna and Feldkirch.


    Copyright the artist. Foto UniCredit Group

  • Works