• Detail of an oil painting of the biblical event the Trinity, three angels visiting Abraham at the Oak of Mamre (Genesis 18:1–8). Abraham is cloaked in rich red, while the angels are draped in vibrant blue. Artwork details: Artist: Antonio Balestra (copy).

    UniCredit Art Collection


    The UniCredit Art Collection is one of the largest corporate collections in Europe, aggregating the assets of individual banks that became part of the Group over time.

    It includes tens of thousands of different objects, from archaeological finds to classic and contemporary works of art. The collection was built through aesthetic choices and a passion for art that has always characterised banks.

    This passion unites Italy, Austria and Germany, whose individual assets form most of the collection, which has gradually grown to include some countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

    All three major collections span a wide range of periods with strong territorial ties, reflected in the artistic choices leading to a heritage that is closely linked to the historical roots of each geographic area.

    Each one includes works by old masters and from the twentieth century, converging on a more modern international dimension with artworks from the second half of the twentieth century.

    All three collections have an important photographic component, with over 4.000 historical and modern images; the photographic collection of UniCredit is one of the largest corporate collections.

    Special projects have been dedicated to promoting young and emerging artists, from countries where the Group is present, increasing the collection’s contemporary art.

    The Group aims to make the collection accessible to as many people as possible. Our artworks have long been exhibited in our offices and branches as well as in important museums, through partnerships and long-term loans, their value enhanced via temporary loans for national and international exhibitions. Today, the public can also enjoy our artworks through this online museum.

    We aim to continue to spread artistic knowledge and experience as a factor for cultural and social growth and development, enhancing the value of the UniCredit Art Collection through a wider access for the public.

    Media Relations 
