Tomorrows UniCredit Award

The winner of the prestigious Tomorrows UniCredit Awards has been announced!

Luana Perilli is the winner of the Tomorrows Unicredit Award!

With "Alcina," the artist presented a project that, as expressed by the jurors in their motivation, "is complex, relevant and attentive to today's needs and concerns. Her proposal is committed to fostering a broad debate and collaboration between the arts and sciences, while at the same time challenging the very concept of science through alternative genealogies of knowledge production structured on the histories of women. The investigative nature of her work is a powerful example of interspecific sociobiological research interwoven with indigenous knowledge and shows skills and sensitivities that include and go beyond what is generally considered "artistic," envisioning multimedia outcomes based on direct experience of the land and developed collectively through community practices."

The award organized and promoted by Urbs Picta is aimed at bringing attention to the relationship between art and sustainability.

The artwork created by Luana Perilli will become part of the UniCredit Art Collection.

The Tomorrows UniCredit Residency and Production Awards initiative was presented at ArtVerona 2023, supported by UniCredit as part of the "Tomorrows - Notes on the future of the Earth" project with the collaboration of Fondazione Cariverona, Veronafiere, Contemporanea Università degli Studi di Verona.

All updates, insights and developments of the project are available on the website.

March 4, 2024
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