A work from our Collection featured in a Mickey Mouse comic strip

“Minni, Goofy and the Mystery of Topoldo' is the title of the comic strip featuring Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo's Portrait of a Gentleman with a Flute, a work from our Collection.

In issue #3549 of Mickey Mouse, published on the 29th November 2023, you can read the story 'Minni, Goofy and the Mystery of Topoldo'.

The story recounts the adventure of Minni and Goofy in the city of Brescia and the precious collection of the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, with a special focus on the artwork by Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo, Portrait of a Young boy with a Flute, granted on loan to the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo of Brescia since 1994.

In the Mickey Mouse story, the painting is called 'Portrait of the Young Viellist' and the author is Giovanni Gerolamo Topoldo.

It is a source of pride that a work from our Collection has been selected by the famous magazine so beloved by adults and children alike to become the protagonist of a captivating and curious story.

December 18, 2023
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