Kunstwerke / Werke
Open a larger version of the following image in a popup:An oil painting shows an older and younger woman in conversation. The image illustrates an old fable using summer as a metaphor for beauty. Summer draws closer to its end, and beauty, along with life, is fleeting. The older woman holds a stick with a bunch of wool or flax from which thread is spun, called a distaff, engaging in conversation with a young woman with golden ears of corn in her hair.
Open a larger version of the following image in a popup:An oil painting shows an older and younger woman in conversation. The image illustrates an old fable using summer as a metaphor for beauty. Summer draws closer to its end, and beauty, along with life, is fleeting. The detail shows the older woman's face.
Open a larger version of the following image in a popup:An oil painting shows an older and younger woman in conversation. The image illustrates an old fable using summer as a metaphor for beauty. Summer draws closer to its end, and beauty, along with life, is fleeting. The detail shows the younger woman's face.
Antonio Carneo Italian, 1637-1692
Vecchia con conocchia e giovane con spighe, 1660Oil on canvas / Olio su tela / Öl auf Leinwand35 3/8 x 31 7/8 in
90 x 81 cmUniCredit S.p.A.Foto: UniCredit Group (Sebastiano Pellion di Persano)Weitere Abbildungen