The Azimuth magazine is created in 1959, followed by the Azimut gallery, both founded by Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni.
The artists who joined the magazine and then the exhibition space became a significant catalyst for the Italian and European visual and conceptual culture of the time, as well as an ideal bridge towards a new revolutionary generation with roots in the nearest contemporary.Azimuth only existed from September 1959 to July 1960, a sudden and intense experience; regarded by critics and historians as a pivotal moment of great radical experimentation, it was joined by some of the most significant figures of the art scene in those years. The term “Azimuth” itself indicates an angular measurement in a system of spherical coordinates and, for this, it fits perfectly with one of the most radical innovations of the collective, namely extroflection of the surface of the canvas.
This atmosphere of lively experimentation was not limited to the city of Milan, where it began, generating dialogue and connections between different artists also at an international level who shared the idea of producing an art that is continuously renewed.
Artists such as Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Gabriele Devecchi, Yves Klein, Heinz Mack, Almir Mavignier, Günther Uecker as well as Agostino Bonalumi and Enrico Castellani have exhibited at the Azimut Gallery.
The Azimuth collective would become one of the most significant catalysts of the new Italian and European visual and conceptual culture in the 1960s.