Luca Pancrazzi (Figline Valdarno, Florence, Italy, 1961)
Born in 1961, Luca Pancrazzi studied in Florence while working in Jo Watanabe's studio, focusing on the production of Sol Lewitt’s graphics and wall drawings. Later, he moved to Rome, where he joined Alighiero Boetti's workshop.
Since the 1990s, his research has been centred on three themes: the exploration of artistic mediums and their ramifications, the creative possibilities of error, and the composite use of techniques and materials. He has specialised in painting and drawing, as well as photography, video, installation, performance, and editorial projects.
His first exhibition was in 1996. Since then, he has participated in several international art fairs such as the Venice Biennale and the New Delhi Triennial in 1997, the Whitney Museum of American Art at Champion in 1998, the Valencia Biennial in 2001, and the Rome Quadriennale in 2008.
His works have been displayed in various public galleries, including P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center (1999), Galerie Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau (2001), GAMEC in Bergamo (2001), Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci in Prato (2002), MART in Trento and Rovereto (2005), MAMbo (2006), Macro (2007), Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts (2007), and Palazzo Te in Mantua (2016).
The artist currently lives and works between Milan and Finland.
Photo UniCredit Group (Sebastiano Pellion di Persano)
Luca Pancrazzi Italian, 1961
Cinque chilometri dopo, 1998Mixed technique. Polyurethane foam, cement, resin, cyanolite, hacksaw blades, nylon, PVC, steel wire, sand, various paints, Plexiglas and other materials / Tecnica mista. Schiuma poliuretanica, cemento, resina, cianolite, lame di seghetto, nylon, pvc, fili d'acciaio, sabbia, vernici varie, plexiglas e altri materiali / Gemischte Technik. Polyurethanschaum, Zement, Harz, Cyanolit, Metallsägeblätter, Nylon, PVC, Stahldraht, Sand, verschiedene Farben, Plexiglas und andere Materialien86 1/4 x 24 5/8 x 24 5/8 in
219 x 62.5 x 62.5 cmPhoto: UniCredit Group (Sebastiano Pellion di Persano)Further images
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